Our Logo
Michele from Black Daisy Design wanted to create a unique logo for this creative business. After some thought, she created our logo using an original Spirograph geometric drawing set from the early 1970's. She then scanned the Spirograph drawing and filled in the shapes with Black Daisy Design's colors using image editing software. Viola!

What We Do
Here are some of the services that we offer.
We take indoor & outdoor professional photos for websites and for other purposes as requested.
Web Design
We create and maintain websites using hand-coding and various content management systems.
Interactive Media
We create many different types of interactive media for a variety of events and special occasions.
Here are just a few websites that we have created and regularly update (in addition to this one).

Personal Portfolio
Created entire website,
update as needed.

Winter Kot Siberians
Created entire website,
update as needed.

Siberian Magazine
Created entire website,
update as needed.
Fun Facts
Cat Photos
Our cat photos have been in several calendars and magazines!
Museum Kiosk
One of our multimedia projects from 15 years ago is still in a museum and it still works!
Ballet Wall Art
Many of our Ballet photos are on the walls of dance studios!